Let us help transform the way you attract and engage employees

We are here to show you how communications really can engage your employees. Let us show you how internal content marketing works and how it will jump start your internal communications strategy. 


Benefits can be confusing. HR video can help employees make more confident decisions about their benefits by providing videos that can break down your benefits in an entertaining way.

What We do

JF Creative is a marketing and communications agency committed to transforming the way organizations attract and engage employees to create lasting relationships.



Produce creative videos from on-location testimonials to company overviews and animated educational videos. Additional perk: each video is built by a video production team who understands benefits. 



Develop comprehensive strategies to engage with your employees and build a roadmap for easy implementation.


Print Content

Inform your workforce through proven, traditional content that is professionally formatted like guide books, postcards and flyers.


Build actionable campaigns to spur employees to action with campaigns built on data insights like preferred communication channels and demographics.


Increase exposure and attract employees with high-quality content that emphasize visual design and mastered for distribution.

Pulse Surveys

Measure employee engagement and opinions to maximize current and future communications.

Latest Resources

Check out the latest posts on all things internal and employee communications! 

Open Enrollment Email and Texting Templates

Successful communication during open enrollment is cucial to a successful enrollment period. Our open enrollment email and texting templates contain everything you need to truly engage and inform your employees

Stats to prove the value of total compensation statements

Total compensation statements help organizations who care about employee satisfaction, retention, engagement and performance. Compensation is always going to be top of mind for both employees and their employers. For employees and their families, compensation helps them move toward their financial goals.

Why Quality Content Still Matters for Employee Communications

There are a lot of technology platforms available today that will help you communicate with employees. There are so many different options you can use from social media to benefit administration systems, intranets and mobile apps. There is a lot to choose from. Many of them are very good at helping you get your message to employees.

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